I do not like social media since, according to me, a vast majority of all influencers, bloggers and many organizations produce dubious content, at best. My conclusion is that most of them are doing it for either fame or money. I’m not!
Ever since I was a small kid I have been curious and almost obsessed with trying things, investigating and learning (often by failing). I have way more hobbies, interestes, projects and interesting problems to solve than I can manage (ask my wife). Still, I find it very hard to give up and as long as there is even a slim chance of success I will continue to try. Luckily, I don’t need much sleep…
I am more than 50 years old and I hold a MScEE since more than 25 years. I have ran across many interesting things and solved quite a few problems, some times together with someone else and some times on my own. “Together”, a very nice word, indeed. I really believe in it. I enjoy helping friends, colleagues and neighbors. Sometimes they help my, some times I help them and some times we end up helping ourselves – togehter.
In any case, I realize that my experineces might be worth sharing and I have been encouraged (you might say persuaded) by a number of people to share my ideas, solutions and insights with a larger community and that is why I have started this WordPress blog. Of course, it is self hosted and of course I have done everything myself. I know it is not fancy but it is a first attempt to share some, hopefully, useful information with a larger community without becoming something or someone I don’t like. I don’t need to be fancy although I might improve things here over time.
So, please, don’t think of me as a regular blogger. I do not lie to make money. I take pride in being accurate and I will not not produce or publish anything which has not not been useful to either myself or someone close to me. It is my sincere intention that you too will find something useful on these pages.